York Woods Community Association front gate


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Mission Statement

The York Woods Community Association's purpose and mission is "to insure high standards of maintenance and operation of all property in York Woods reserved by Declarant for the common use of all residents and owners of property therein and to insure the provision of services and facilities of common benefit, and in general to maintain and promote the desired character of York Woods." (1962, Declaration of Protective Covenants, Article VI, Section 1)

Newly Approved Governing Documents Approved By the YWCA Board at the April 6, 2023 Meeting. For you review and approval.


Previously Red-Lined Documents Distributed

Red-Lined By-Laws

Red-Lined Declaration of Protective Covenants

Preamble to the Amended Consolidated and Restated Declaration


2008 Approved By-Laws


2014 CICA Resolution

Energy Policy Statement 10-11-2018


Declaration of Protective Covenants APPROVED 04-06-2023

Current Declaration of Protective Covenants Unit 4

Declaration for all units (historically included; used for inclusion of Unit 5)

Declaration of Protective Covenants Unit 2 and Unit 3

First Amendment of Protective Covenants

Articles of Incorporation

Architectural Review Committee

Architectural Review Guidelines EDITABLE posted 9 22 2022

ARC Application Master Form Revd 12 5 2018

Application for New Homes and Exterior Renovations Revd 12 5 2018

Application for and Modifications to Decks,Paths and Patios 12 5 2018

Application for and Modifications to Pools 12 5 2018

Application for Play Equipment (ex., tampolines, hoops, etc.) 12 5 2018

Rules and Regulation

2014 Approved Rules and Regulations